Pod Sculptures

By Gary Greer

These unique sculptures are crafted from palm seed pods, resulting in captivating organic abstract forms. By harnessing the inherent textures and shapes of the pods, each artwork becomes a distinctive and singular sculpture. This process beautifully transforms nature into art, showcasing the artist’s ability to bring forth the extraordinary from the ordinary.

For unique sculptures to enhance your home or office, you can contact the artist at 727-409-2326 or ggreer@tampabay.rr.com

A few Pod Sculptures on location

Bring the outside in

These Pod Sculptures were selected from the Coastal Collection as a decor accent for a couple’s beach condo.

patio pod sculptures

Patio Pods

The Pod Sculptures work just fine to fill that odd space outdoors as they all have multiple coats of polyurethane.

How to fill a wide wall

Multiple pods sculptures from different collections can fill horizontal or vertical wall spaces.

Match to fit a space

Pod Sculptures were chosen from the Wood Collection to match the kitchen cabinets and decor.

To see the process and stages of creating pods, click the Pod Sculptures Facebook icon below:

Subscribe below: Only once every couple weeks I’ll let you know about a collection of new sculptures or a show I’m participating in.

5 Different Sculpture Collections.

Click on the collection images below.

1. The Coastal Collection.
Beach themed colors of aqua, blues, and peach with white or gold accents.
2. The Wood Collection.
Using the natural wood colors of the pod with black and gold accents.
3. The Rogue Collection.
Colors and themes that are unique and different.
4. The Nature Collection.
Inspired by nature this collection has pieces that mimic nature.
5. The Free Standing Collection.
From table top to seven feet high, this collection has a wide variety of color themes.